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Dimarts, 18 de setembre de 2012. Bako National Park - - Borneo. Nos despertamos en Kuching, son las ocho de la mañana y ya estamos esperando el bus, el olor a pescado no muy fresco. nos revela que estamos cerca de un mercado donde venden de todo un poco, artesania, comida, hierros, muebles, especias. Llegamos a la playa! A la vuelta nos encontramos una familia de macacos de cola larga a la carrera. Los perseguimos en plan paparazzis. Volvemos y cambiamos de ruta para ir a ver las vi.
SPJALLAÐ UM ÞARMAFLÓRUNA Í MANNLEGA ÞÆTTINUM Á RUV. SMELLA HÉR TIL AÐ HLUTSA. ÁHRIF ÞARMAFLÓRU Á LÍKAMSÞYNGD, EFNASKIPTI OG LANGVINNAR BÓLGUR. Rannsóknir sýna að örverur í meltingarvegi mannsins hafa margvísleg áhrif á líkamsstarfssemi. Þarmaflóran hefur áhrif á líkamsþyngd, efnaskipti og bólguvirkni, ver okkur gegn óæskilegum örverum og hefur áhrif á geðheilsu.
The Jorth Gar branch of the New Varangian Guard concentrates its living history re-enactment primarily on the earlier Varangian Guardsmen of Viking origin, and their many exploits and accomplishments. Many of these warriors held fast to their traditional Pagan ideals and spirit, and derived inspiration from their ancestors and kinsmanship, even though their new employers were strongly Christian Orthodox. It is with these Varangians from which Jorth Gar derives its identity and focus.